Friday, August 28, 2009

ignorance is bliss

some of you might be surprised to find that i have a sharp tongue...oh yes sweet little old goldsworthy can speak her mind when she finds cause to. well in this day and age it is more that i type what i think thanks to the creation of face book. it is only out of love and concern (except for that time when i was really angry and hastily wrote something) that i write what i think. i have decided to ignore all updates that get under my skin and basically act as though i had never even read them. the other alternative is to take myself off face book which i have seriously considered and am still considering. well as a result of my reaction to updates on face book i have once again found myself feeling like the nastiest person on earth...but as if the universe knew this, 3 parcels arrived one after the other to cheer me up!
the first to arrive was a wonderful gift from the very talented and kind Trixi of coloured buttons . being a teacher she couldn't help but send me a tutorial on how to attach a phone tag to my babushka dolls. Trixi even sent me a little phone tag to help me better understand her tute! thanks Trixi, i must hunt down a few of those parrot clasps as the ones i bought didn't have any on them.
perfect instructions
you can see the difference in phone tags, mine is the red one....
the second parcel was hand delivered by Lisa of olive grove primitives as we live in adjoining suburbs. i was the lucky winner of her give away and missed her delivery by a few minutes as i was picking up the children. the parcel she gave me was heavenly scented and beyond beautiful! the giveaway was for a magnificent pin cushion boot and some french/vintage gift tags but Lisa added some extra pretties!
the pin cushion is so wonderful, my husband is amazed at how Lisa managed to get the shape of the boot to look so realistic.
and the tags are just lovely and have inspired me to try my hand at making my own.
these special scented treats have made my home smell so pretty. i don't know why i haven't had something like this before...
thank you Lisa so very much for such a wonderful gift, you are very talented and i wish you all the best with the road ahead for you and your young family.
and the final and most meaningful gift has come from my dear friend Darren and his beautiful wife and baby girl. we are each others number one fans, i of his photography blog and he of mine, so when he read sometime ago that i had a favourite book he tracked it down and...
i had no idea what to expect
cheeky chops was more than thrilled with the bubble wrap after she dried my eyes of course.
and here it is!! my very own brand new copy of watership down. this is the most wonderful story of courage, friendship, bravery and triumph you are ever likely to read. it may not be everyone cup of tea but i don't care cause it means even more to me now, it means that somewhere in this world someone cared enough to buy me my one and only wish. thank you Darren! and give those two girls in your life a big hug and kiss from me. one day i will have to put both books beside each other to show you the difference, my old copy (which i stole from my old high school) has been read so many times that it is in pieces!
so thanks to some very kind and special people my spirits have been lifted.
thanks once again Trixi, Lisa and Darren.
do yourself a favour and visit their blogs you wont be disappointed.
have a great weekend
%*_*% goldsworthy

Friday, August 21, 2009

5 fabulous/sexy/beautiful facts

now that i have your attention... the 5 facts have to be about ME! are there 5 such facts?? the sweet inkie-mumma (Kim) from sunshine and lollipops has tagged me, and my mission is to list 5 things that make me feel fabulous/sexy/beautiful and then tag 5 friends to play along. it is going to be hard but here goes...
1. finding great items at garage sales or the markets and turning them into something else or just enjoying them as they are makes me feel fabulous.
i couldn't pass up this little treasure for $12, it has found a home outside our back door and we have decided that only kind messages can be left on here. this was an old creamery box that we picked up for $8 and my hunk of a spunk turned it into a... fabric box for me! i just love it so much.
2. my husband and my children make me feel fabulous, sexy and beautiful all at the same time.this photo is from last Christmas but i just love every photo that we ever take on the beach, unless i am in it of course.
here are my 3 amigos, even though they drive me crazy most of the time...i love them with every fibre of my being and i know without a doubt that so does this man yes my husband mister moo absolutely adores his girls and i just pray that when they finally choose to settle down that they find someone just like him.
3. making things puts me in a great mood, it just makes me feel fabulous
urban craft gifted me with a little ninja and i in turn gifted one to my gorgeous niece i made these little fellas ages ago
these little girls always make me feel good. this was my first ever rattle toy, so sweet for a sweet baby. 4. my kids making things makes me feel fabulous, they are very creative, i just need to be more willing to set them all up.
claudia is yet to stitch anything but she just loves to pose! this babushaka was stitched by mia and so was this...
and my lili is a very clever artist and loves to paint rocks. our little rock garden is another happy spot in our home.
5. and finally my hutch 'nourishes my soul' and really makes me feel fabulous. i really wish you could see it but the lighting in that part of the house makes it hard to see. but we put the fairy lights and lanterns on that adorn it and it makes me feel good. it has all the little things that we like to collect on it too.
easter time some things i have made or bought family photos, minatures and some other pretties.
there you have it, 5 things that make me feel good, in no particular order of course!
i have 5 people in mind to tag but i will not be offended if they dont play...
anita (agapanthas) from mad cow moments
maria-therese from afiori
i guess i better go tell them they have been tagged. (i had to have 6) thanks kim for asking me to play it was so much fun.
hope you have at least one thing that makes you feel fabulous/sexy/ beautiful maybe you could leave me a comment on what does it for you :)
have a great weekend
%*_*% goldsworthy

Sunday, August 16, 2009

blue day

do you ever feel low? do you ever have days when no matter how hard you try you just cant feel happy? you want to curl up and forget about your troubles but you know you just cant...i have and so did my poor mister moo a few weeks ago. so to cheer him up we... picked some flowers and put them into thrifted miniature vases (lili has a very good eye for pretties)
we baked some heart shaped cakes and decorated them with tiny hearts and
sweet words.
and we sang a cheer up song!
blogger wouldnt let me load the video but we sang cheer up daddy to the tune of happy birthday :)
so if you are ever feeling blue you know where to come...l
and then a day off work the next day is highly recommended to let all of the cheering up really sink in!!
hope that all your days are yellow
%*_*% goldsworthy

Thursday, August 13, 2009

boyish babushka finished

i have been hard at work this week finishing off the boyish babushka that Sarena asked me to make. he is a one red robin design but tweaked a little ;0) although he is gorgeous, there are bits i don't like but i will keep my mouth shut or Kris might come down the hill and smack me *_*
i love the fabric and this felt colour is much better than the green.
i changed the eye shape a little and i didnt add any cheeks so it would be a little less girly.
i embroidered the baby's name on the side. i find it hard to embroider neatly when i don't have the outline to follow.
this angle shows the backing fabric...a smart comment from one of my followers on my other blog pointed out how well the light blue matched from the four fabrics i had to choose from.
after this photo was taken i added two green buttons to the side and stitched up the back (that is the bit i am not happy with, shh don't tell Kris) overall i am very happy with how this boy turned out and if i was able to work on it without interruptions it doesn't take that long to make.
the babushka is off to its new owner tomorrow which means it leaves me free to work on a few projects i have up my sleeve. i need to update my etsy shop but to do that i need to make some things!!
ok it is after 11pm AGAIN i am hoping to get a full nights sleep without anyone waking me (the girls are full of antibiotics and steroids)
by the time you read this it might even be FRIDAY yipee!!

Monday, August 10, 2009


just a quick post to let you know that i only have to work one day this week!! in our lucky corner of the world we happen to have two show holidays, one today (Monday) and one on Wednesday. and for a girl like me who only works part time it equals one day of contact with my class this week :0) and for those of you who are following the count down until my long service...after this week, drum roll please, 5 weeks which is equivalent to 13 days. i sound as though i don't like my opposite, i love my job. i have a wonderful teaching partner, have been at this wonderful school for 10 years and each and every child that i have taught over those 10 years have been WONDERFUL. the thing is i just want to be a mum and a housewife. i want to walk my girls to school each day. i want to not have to think about the other 22 children that i love every night. i want to bake during the day and have dinner ready at night. i want to craft and stitch so that i can hold my first market stall. i want to not feel stretched to breaking point. i want to be happy again. i want to be a tuckshop mum or read with MY girls. i want to stop being tired and grumpy all the time. i want to give more time to my husband. i want to find myself again. and through all of this i want to find my teaching mojo again. i am having almost 18 weeks off and am not travelling just staying at home which suits me just fine. anyhow, i hope you enjoy your week as much i am going to enjoy mine. %*_*% goldsworthy

Thursday, August 6, 2009

my creative space

i have a new design to show you which will make up half of a part of my brooch order. (does that make sense?) i had an order for 15 brooches so i decided to make 9 babushkas and 6 kokeshi... so here is my creative space,
well actually i picked up parts of my creative space and took them outside as my creative space is in a bat cave and the rest of the table is covered in felt pieces, buttons, thread scraps etc... a bit embarrassing to show :)
here is my new design.. a kokeshi with buns in her hair. what do you think? it was my first sketch and it worked!! right size, right shape a real fluke :0)
and here is one finished front, next one ready to stitch and i have just realized i have one AWOL body... must go a hunting.
so these kokeshis will join these babushka beauties...
these little ladies will be on sale at funky fabrix soon. visit shona's wonderful blog and enter her latest giveaway.
over and out until next time
%*_*% rosey

Saturday, August 1, 2009

swappy goodness all the way from the UK

i wish i had a video of my girls opening up our FRIENDS swap parcel from the lovely beki from the ramblings of an everyday mummy. beki and i decided to make the parcel more for the children which really was just so much fun! as all good bloggers do, i took lots of photos. and like all good children of a blogger my girls had to wait while i took photos of everything!! they really were patient and we were a little bit late for school :)i found the parcel the night before with this big sticker on the front, good news nothing was taken out :) i had a quick peek inside then i closed it up until the morning.
the squeals of excitement were wonderful and beki seemed to choose the most perfect things for each of the girls but you should have heard the ooohhss and the aahhhss over the hand made items beki made for me!! oh such talent, so different to anything i could make but so much to love about it.
presents all lined up... each parcel was labeled with the letter of friends and a theme for that letter. not sure why this has turned?? we have already used the tea set with our pumpkin scones today... so cute and perfect for my book loving, tea drinking mischief maker. lili couldn't contain her excitement and has begun the stitchery already :) (just like her mother) this little fella is for the whole family and is with our other special softies. the cards were so pretty too!
as you can imagine there isn't much left of this now onto my goodies. we had decided to include one present for each other and here is my divine lot. a gorgeous hand towel that says 'eat dessert first' a gorgeous magnet, a hand made button heart (really really great) a hand made gift tag which i just adore and think that beki should sell them at markets, a hand made wall hanging that is beyond words, paisley designed cup cake cases and a white chocolate flower (which i haven't eaten yet). i will give you a better look at the hand mades. all mine!! it has turned again, not sure why it does that sometimes. anyhow this is the button heart art, i just love it.
this bit of wonderful is the other side of my gift tag. the photo doesn't do it justice, it really is lovely. it also reminds me that beki has angel babies watching over her and her family. and this wall hanging is so pretty, i just love it. very clever how she has used different mediums but they all mesh so well with the overall unique and artistic and clever. the more i look at it the more i fall in love with it. here it is on display, i have since moved it from that spot into my 'studyio' where i can see it right now :)
there you have it parcel goodness for the bonser girls. thank you beki for your generosity and sharing some of your special creations with me!
hope you are all having a great weekend.
mmwwaahhh rosey