Monday, November 23, 2009

time for a giveaway

i cant believe that over a week has passed since i have had a chance to get back to my promise of a giveaway!! this post will be number 202 and i have enjoyed every entry i have made. this blog is like an online diary and hopefully something that i will be able to access for years to come. it is really hard to find the time to post at the moment but when i do i feel like my soul has been nourished, it is a bit of me time that i really enjoy.
OK enough of that, onto what you could win...
i had promised the chance to win some bunting...unfortunately i have already sold one set and the other makes up part of my market stall and i simply cant part with it at this stage, however i think you will be happy with what i have planned instead.
here is my lop sided babushka :) cuddled up to a gigantic marshmallow Santa!! he looks so tasty, almost too good to eat (i did say almost)
i will also pop in a few chocolate treats into ONE of these...
a home stitched mini Christmas stocking, the sewing machine is quickly becoming my best friend @_@
i stitched a sweet little crocheted flower to her hair, remember she is NOT perfect but she is still very pretty.
this babushka is a ONE RED ROBIN pattern. you should visit jho's blog, she will blow your mind with her plushies.
isn't he too cute?!? i think i had better hide him from my little rug rats...
so i am going to keep this simple, all you have to do to be in the running for this little gift is to (1) follow me and (2) leave me a comment. (3) if you don't have a blog leave me a comment with an email address or email me (email is on the side bar) this is open to anyone who is interested anywhere in the world :P
i will keep this giveaway open until Saturday the 28th November, 10pm my time.
OK i am off to twitter about this, good luck and catch you in cyber space
%*_*% rosey


Anonymous said...

Wow Im first one,glad to be online now,Llol.Count me in Rosey you know Im a follower,love love the babushka and the little stockings are adorable.Thanks!

sassypackrat said...

I love your little babushka! Her eyes are so sweet. I already follow your blog and hope I win!

Christy クリスティ said...

I want your sweet little babushka doll! It is soo ittibittipretty!! I can't resist the santa lolly too.

Thanks Rosey for the chance to win your lovely xmas goodies! xoxo

Christy クリスティ said...

Your other blog has been on my blog roll since forever but hey, I follow you now!

tired mum said...

Please count me in on your fabulous give away! Although I would love to keep it for my daughters (3 yrs and 2 yrs old), I have a very special friend who collects babushkas since the tragic passing of her baby girl last year.
On a lovely note she is expecting again early next it would also make a gorgeous baby gift!!

Unknown said...

Hello there ! I love your giveaway prizes , you are just too clever !

Anonymous said...

I follow your other blog and didn't realise you had another one.
Your Babushka is adorable and I reckon she's pretty perfect!

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Cause' wanna win!!!!....
I love how you put soul into what you make Rosey!
Hmmm??? Wondering whom the lucky gal that got to buy the bunting was *wink**

PaisleyJade said...

I love your lopsided dolly... yay for giveaways!!

Anonymous said...

I have been enamoured with your latest creations, Rosey! Glad to see you have abandoned the "I can't sew" title, since you obviously are one talented (and beautiful) lady! :D


Rebecca said...

that is the cutest doll ever! i heart babushkas - so cute!! i just got a really sweet set of babushka doll measuring cups from ebay.

Linda Lilly Cottage said...

Hello my loely, may I please enter your little giveaway? I would love your lopsided Babushka, I will call her Lolly...and the rest...I will just eat them!
Kiss Noises and congratulations on 202!

Linda Lilly Cottage said...

OK that so should read LOVELY....silly old fingers don't type enough...
Kiss Noises again


This is so cutee. It would sit well with my softie sumo. I hope you are well.

I am also a follower of you blog. :)

My email is;


bubbachenille said...

I follow both your bogs and I love Christmas and I dont think she is lopsided !

Ilona said...

It's lovely!Love reading your blog, just became a follower :)

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Congratulations on 202 posts Rosey. I remember when Linda introduced you to us and here you are 200 posts later. I always enjoy popping in to hear all your news and of course I am already a follower.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Susie said...

Oh I hope its me, i love her (and santa of course), im already following and i shall twitter aswell and grovel and please please let me be the lucky girl.


Sarah said...

Love the little babushka. She is adorable. Follow you blog already. Love it.

babalisme said...

Naaaah...The santa is not as cute as the babushka, but that's just me a babushka love, so it's personal taste..and I will EAT him...mawawahahahaha...

Dolly said...

awwww! i want that dolly for christmas! xxx

Casey said...

I think she is seriously adorable!!

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations on 202 posts....I enjoy reading them all....
I'd love to enter in your giveaway....I'd call her "Lopsy" if I won....

edward and lilly said...

I think she's perfect, I would love to win her!

Unknown said...

Oh gosh, what a fabulous giveaway, please count me in too! suzie. xxx

Trish Goodfield said...

Who has time for perfection? The doll has a personality all of her own.

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Rosey,
Thanks for the comment on my blogspot. Oh, please enter me in your giveaway. I'd love to win some on your hand made pieces.

Me and My 4 Fellas said...

Oh yay...I am following and I am now leaving a comment..Fingers crossed and thanks for the opp


Unknown said...

So glad to hear your sewing machine is finally becoming your best was only a matter of time. As for the lopsided lady... who wants perfect anyway!...lopsided gives her personality and character!

Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) said...

I thought that might be one of Jho's patterns! You've used the sweetest fabric for this Christmassy little babushka. Thanks for this cutesy giveaway Rosy!

Jingle said...

She is wonderful! I love her! Your work is really great!

Digital Misfit said...

Adorable babushka! The mini stocking is so sweet too.
Thank you for this opportunity :)
Congrats on 200 (+2!) posts!
(a follower)

Bloomin'Chick Jo said...

So SO very cute! Count me in if I'm not too late! (Following you now too!)

manda said...

Your little babushka looks perfect to me! Oh how I would love to win her! Fingers crossed!
Hugs ~ Manda

Raggy Rat said...

thnaks for joining my giveaway
of course ill join yours
cat xxxx
come on over n click !

Sparkle-Rama said...

I would be thrilled to win! :)

Gypsy Heart said...

Just found your blog but would love to be included. I'll be a follower too!