Friday gone by marked an important event in the Hindu calendar, Diwali, which roughly translates to the Festival of the Lights. our gorgeous neighbours invited us over to enjoy traditional Indian dishes and share in their festivities. we arrived to find the house lit up with lights and many votive candles burning.
my neighbour had given Claudia a traditional sari to wear but being the ham that she is she couldn't get the top on, a blessing in disguise as you will see...

the children looked lovely in their traditional attire and had heaps of fun playing together as they always do.

we were welcomed in by Asher and her husband Avi and treated to their wonderful hospitality and settled in as other guests arrived.
isn't she stunning!!!

anyhow, we were all enjoying a few wines and the tasty traditional appetisers when Mia came out to me and said 'Claudia's on fire'...she had climbed onto the table inside to look at the puzzles the children were playing with and her dress caught on fire. by some stroke of luck, or i like to think that her grandmothers were watching over her, Avi was in the kitchen and quickly patted the fire out. she was only left with a minor burn but a fright that will last a life time i hope.

this could have been much worse than it was...if she had been wearing that sari which is the same fabric as Asher's sari she would have gone up in a big fire ball and only moments before Avi was sitting outside enjoying the conversation, if it wasn't for his quick reflex she could have been burnt more.
anyhow it didn't dampen our spirits, living across the road meant that we could go home get changed and grab the ice pack and come back to enjoy the rest of the night. Claudia is a real toughie, she didn't cry at all but was more concerned that she had ruined her pretty dress. i will turn it into some bunting for her room.
i guess we have all learned a good lesson, especially me. and it has left me wondering how many lives does Claudia have left. she really is turning my hair grey!!
have a great week
Oh no Rosey... how scary for all of you. Claudia's leg looks so nasty and I can't believe she didn't even cry - she must be a toughy. The angels were definitely watching over her that night.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Golly Miss Molly!
I would have had a meltdown over that!!!!
She must be tough stuff alright!
Glad it was'nt worse.
Claudia.. I love you !! and please stop giving your Mum early grey hairs !! Oh my goodness..thank god the Angels were looking over her that night xxx
love Mir xxx
By God...! Rosey, that child must have taken at least 5 years off your life by now! I know, because I was the one who gave my mom grey hair! :S lol. Poor Clauds, she does get herself into it, doesn't she... xoxoxo
How my gosh! What an event! Fire really scares me, a friends son had been injured in a BBQ explosion. Long story but still, any little incident is so serious. And I never heard about Diwali but one day I am gonna get me one of those saris, the yellow one is fabulous.
Ouch! That looks very painful!!! Thank God that Avi was right there!!! Scary!!!!
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