there was a roller door there, now it is a gorgeous window which mick thrifted from a friends house, so that means it was FREE and i LOVE it.

door way ready.

this little monkey has been hanging round like a bad smell, look at the face on it!

and here she is as an apprentice chippy!

here is Truman cottage the new renovations are to the far left of this picture. i will post a few more pictures when mick has fully finished the outside and we have painted it.
mick is just about to go and get our NEW CAR!!! we are all so excited and cant wait to turn the music up with out it buzzing and have the air con on low and high without it making a ear piercing whistle, drive without being embarrassed about the paint job and many other things that most people with new cars take for granted.
i will post a picture very very soon.
%*_*% rosey
p.s. when i say new it is an 05 model but it is in excellent condition.
Do you think when Mr Moo is finished there he could come do some things at my place ? Can't hurt to ask .... Looks fantastic !
OOhhh exciting...what a handy Mr Mooo you have, can't wait to see the finished product and the fun you shall have decorating and as for the NEW CAR!!!...Oh my goodness you will not know yourself. Glad all things wonderful are happening in your sweet household.
Kiss Noises Linda
How cool!! Post a pic of the car later! I'm glad your daughter's asthma is okay what with all that weird red dust.
Your cottage is so cute! And your little ladies are going to love their new play space. Enjoy your new car (our definition of "new" is the same as yours :) New to us!)!
Your "New" Car is like our kids "New " Clothes!
How fantastic is that extra huge room going to be!!!!
And How unreal that the MR can do it himself!!!
Enjoy the rest of the holidays.
It must be soooo great that you and HUbby always have time off at the same time!
Great for the kiddos
Needless to say, with my track record with borrowed cars (your little one and then Renata's last year) you will probably keep me at a safe distance from the "new" car when I'm back. The rumpus looks great so far... the chickens will love it. Took some great photos in London on the weekend... will post them soon. I'm dying to see you post photos of Cherry opening her present and I'm also dying to know what is spooky. I'll pay the ransom on the weekend. Love ya. xx
What a clever Mister Moo, can I borrow him please?
Love Rich as I do, he's bloody useless at DIY!
Can't wait to see the end result, you'll need to get on with the bunting now to get it looking pretty for those gorgeous girlies!
Love and (((hugs)))
Beki xxx
I would say Mr Moo is not the only one happy!
Rose this is wonderful news and great work from Mick !! -tell him great joins :) thanks for keeping us updated !
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