our lili turned 8 in January and is maturing in a text book fashion. mister and i once watched a documentary in which it informed the viewers of the subtle changes that occur around the ages of 8 and 9. some of these changes included, modesty, keeping secrets and a truer understanding of cause and affect. now we knew something was changing when she asked to move into her own room the previous December and requested that she be allowed to shower without the other two knuckleheads. then the request for her ears to be pierced for her birthday really came as a shock, made me think she was really growing up.
i have noticed that she opts not to go onto those indoor playgrounds anymore and seems to hang around me if we are visiting with friends that have children younger than her. and in the last couple of weeks she has fixed her hair for school and gone back for a second look...almost like she cares about how she looks. that has never happened before, she is always tidy but never really interested in how she appears...we have had simple chats about the boys in her class and how we think some of the boys are quite handsome. we have been particular about which shows we watch but it seems harder and harder to avoid the word sex or passionate kissing even on commercials.
oh well i guess it was going to happen sooner or later. we are lucky she is sensible and innocent she will be the trail blazer for the other 2...GOD HELP ME!!!
she received an award at her school Assembly today for being a great actor in a class presentation.
i guess i should start reading some material on how to explain the birds and the bees to one of such an age...very simple birds and bees mind you!!
anyhow on a different note...i am working for shona at funky fabrix each Wednesday and some Saturdays and holidays. it is such a welcomed change from teaching! shona is very very nice and i think that this job is exactly what i needed to feel refreshed again. i am also volunteering some of my time to help out in the classrooms at school, in a parental role just like any other stay at home mother. that feels FANTASTIC.
best be off and feed the littlest bonser, she is home on Mondays now and it is OUR day together.