Monday, September 13, 2010

lets celebrate

we celebrated a religious milestone on Friday night, lili received the first sacrament of reconciliation after many weeks of preparation. it was a lovely ceremony that ended with the releasing of balloons into the night sky and a big fat piece of cake. we presented lili with a lovely cross before we left for the church and headed out for ice cream after it was all over. lili was pleased as punch with the whole event and has a wonderful memory of this special occasion. her lovely teacher made the effort to be there to support her and the other children. i am so glad it is over though as the guilt of missing one Sundays mass is enough to drive me to drink 0_o the photos below show some of the fun we had.
lili loved this little cross which is now hanging above her bed.
having a cuddle before we head off, i straightened Mia's hair very quickly so it looks a bit funny...
lili took this photo, i really don't like being in photos... heading out to set the balloons free along with their sins.
tasty cake!
lili with her lovely teacher Mrs Williams and here she is with Father Chinua
congratulations lili, we are proud of you and your love for being a good girl.


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Very special indeed! I love how you guys then go for ice cream....My Hubby would be insisting to go home by that time:)u

Anonymous said...

How nice Rosey!I dont like missing mass either LOL.Your girls are really growing.

Happy new week ahead!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Congratulations Lili, I hope you enjoyed your special moment and I am sure your mama, dad, and sisters are proud of you!

Rosey, I am Anglican but the traditions and milestones for children of any faith denomination or religion are so special and yet another sign of growing up and learning more about the world. How did Mia and Claudia feel to watch their older sister receive her first sacrament? Are they looking forward to someday preparing for theirs as well? I like the idea of setting the balloons free, that is a nice way to teach the younger ones the underlying meanings. And of perhaps a little festive and colourful to make it a fun, happy time!

I have been reading and catching up on your blog and although I have been silent have been so pleased to share in all your written moments. Thank you for sharing your joy of life. :)

babalisme said...

Congrats, Lily! I love how you'd eventually show up here, and my you'd look like Lily a lot, or er.. the other way around.