who would of thought being a stay at home mum would be so busy!! no wonder my head spins around faster than a top when i am working and being a mother, wife and running a household of 5. but it is a good kinda busy...especially when i am stitching or working on other goodies for my market stall. each day is filled with errands and daily routines, a bit like groundhog day :) i try to keep up with all of the blogs i follow and post a bit on twitter...my etsy and madeit shops need more stock (my dream would be to make another sale) and this computer needs a huge clean up!
today i cleaned the curtains in my kitchen and was appalled at the amount of dust stuck to the lace... my goal for this long service is to thoroughly clean each room and cupboard, that thought is actually overwhelming but i guess a little at a time and i will get through it. each weekend seems to be filling up with commitments as Christmas approaches, something that annoys mister moo to no end :p he is a real home body and i am a bit of a social butterfly so i get into strife for saying yes to every fun thing around...
anyhow i need to play catch up on a few things. firstly Suzie from an itch2stitch is going to kill me for not completing her blog award properly but i don't really know how to do it!! i have mastered the art of saving a picture and linking to other sites so i hope that she will forgive me for not knowing how to fill out the quiz. head to her site to understand what i am talking about. but here is the award...

the trims have been painted white since these photos have been taken. when i do get a chance to read and this one leaves me alone...
i have had the chance to flip through these...
and of course baby blue was in the photo so i couldn't resist showing you one more photo of her. we are still very happy with our choice.
and finally my husband and some of his students took part in a competition which required them to build a human powered vehicle. his school came 3rd in their category and have been invited to Parliament house to receive a grant for their school!! i am so proud of him and he is thrilled to be going to such an important event.
that is all i can remember for the moment, i will be back to show you some lovely gifts i received yesterday from someone special...
bye for now%*_*%
Car looks good,House looks great and Kid Looks Gorgeous and very much like one that belongs to me!
That face screams "Villan"
Hey life is just so so so busy!
Everyone is talking Christmas and I am screaming "Stop" World I want to get off...My head spins each day as Life goes faster and faster
Wow, congratulations to your husband + his students, congratulations on creating your very own market stall and the car is so so so pretty and the house and the dolls and the very determined little doll there in the middle who refuses to let go of your attention!
My gosh your hubby is worth more money ! He can do it all ! Your reovations look great but I really
love that photo of the little one !Too too cute !
Oh sweet and cozy.LOL@ your daughters face.
seems like everything is falling nicely into place and looking good.
Congrats to your hubby! Love the photo of Claudia!
Renovations look great Rosey.. and Congrats to MICK !! Parliment house .. whoo whoo !!
Love you zillions xx
Mir x
I hope you got my message about not worrying about passing the award on, and not having to do anything at all with it , other than enjoying it! not sure if I sent it properly. See your not the only one who finds it all a bit mystifying! Suzie. xxx :)
Good that one went! The message, that is! I gave you the award because I love your blog, please don't fret over doing any more with it than keeping it! :)Suzie. xxx
i only have 1 kid and the work never ends. I seriously considered taking a full time position I was offered. Then I came to my senses and realized that there was probably another person who needed the job more.
And I saved my kid and husband a lot of stress. Me, however, not so much.
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