Saturday, February 28, 2009

weekend whinge~kids social life~

hellllloooo my friend weekend, oh how i love you! the only thing wrong with weekends is my young school age children have more of a social life than i do! i cant wait until they are of the age when i can dump and run :) lili had a pool party on friday afternoon and i did leave her there in the capable hands of the mummy but mia had a pool party this morning and she is not a confident swimmer yet so i had to sit pool side to keep a close eye on her. it was nice to take a break and be waited on hand an foot by the lovely host and hostess but my mind kept wandering to the jobs waiting at home and the fact that i have to do it all again tomorrow as mia has another party in the morning. i dont like my chances of making mick go! and next weekend claimed yet another party already. i might have to say no to a few but it is hard to say no to the fun of a party.
my gorgeous sister melissa baby sat the girls last night while mick and i stepped out to watch 'ghost town'. she had given us the movie voucher at christmas time along with a baby sitting voucher too. so mick and i had a nice night out, we even played the pokies and came away with $30! mick is my lucky charm, bit like a leprechaun only bigger and cuter and real. the movie was a hoot too. thanks melissa you are the best!
i will choose the winner of the easter give away tomorrow morning so that i can pack it up and have it in the post this coming week.
good luck, your odds are better than lotto :)
%*_*% rosey

Thursday, February 26, 2009

while she sleeps...

all of my crafting takes place while claudia sleeps, i dream of winning the lotto and still putting her in day care so that i could dedicate a whole day to crafting. at the end of the night once all the bathing is done, dishes are washed, homework sorted, big kids kissed and bedded and other mundane tasks are completed i get to do some 'me' stuff. this is what i came up with last night.
i used a lead pencil to sketch the outline then water colour pencils which i blended with a wet paint brush. i have so much to learn, i am not happy that you can see my initial pencil line so i have already learnt something i would change. i can hear kris screaming at her computer screen telling me to stop pointing out my faults but this time i want to hear the things o need to improve on from those of you with experience.
i am no artist and am scared to try things as i am afraid of how it will look but the blogging world is full of honest and encouraging people that and i know that you will give me the constructive criticism that i need to improve and move on.
i began undercoating these two items, the first is to hold all of our miniatures so that we can proudly display them and create a bit more space on our hutch. i will coat it in an off is the shadow box with masking tape ready for its first coat of paint.
a while ago the gorgeous gal from afiori told me to get out of my comfort zone and try something different. so i am going to paint this pony pink and try my hand a decoupage or something like that. any hints or suggestions will be appreciated.
now i have squeezed this post in while she sleeps... so i am off to do something crafty before she wakes again. smooches %^_^%
dont forget to enter my giveaway if you havent already done so

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

show and tell

i love weekends! spending time with my little family, visiting friends and relatives, avoiding housework (unconsciously)going to our favourite places and most excitingly finding amazing fairs or shows that are held once a year. we were lucky enough to have our local hall host a doll, bear and craft show and we went along as a family to see some of the what might be on show. we were blown away by the amazing men and women who obviously have a passion for this kind of craft. i am kicking myself for not taking my camera! each stall had the biggest array of bear or dolls you could imagine, it was very hard not to spend too much. they also had a display of miniatures and i think that might very well become a passion of mine! very clever and intricate. lili had money burning a hole in her pocket so and just had to buy something.
this is what lili chose... it is only very small it fits in the palm of your hand and is filled with a lovely fragrance.
it is the sweetest little collectible ever.
i couldnt go past this little lady...
something about her caught my eye.
she looks like she would be a fair but firm mummy who always made sure her young ones had enough to eat.
this rabbit makes me want to learn crocheting even more, (note to self...ring Gail!)
and of course as always i bought something for each of the girls
yes they are miniature toys, they are tiny like the size of your thumb and only cost $1 each! i couldnt leave them there.
so each of us girls got a 'treasure' for the day
i am working on shabbying up a shadow box for all of our miniatures.
look at this little carriage, it is so tiny and oh so cute!
nothing special about this guy but he was only $1 and i couldnt leave him all alone once i had taken his animals!
the best thing about the show is that i learnt a hell of a lot about the process of doll and bear making and of porcelain and china products. oh and that hobbyrama is in stafford and that is where i will find my miniatures!
dont forget to click on the pictures to enlarge them and enter my giveaway if you havent already done so.
have a great week
%^_^% rosey

Sunday, February 22, 2009

an easter giveaway

i have finished my school work, so i have come to play with you. before i start, here is a little pic of claudia back to normal... her new nick name is humpty :)yes that is playdoh and her hands are covered in it too!
now as promised i have put together an easter themed giveaway. i have been working on an easter decoration and have come up with three prototypes. each one has its good and bad points. the chicken egg was stitched using the sewing machine and i was not happy with the effect.
i just love this little fella but i would improve the shape of the egg and hand sew it if you choose him.
'tweet dreams'
the rabbit egg is lovely but the egg shape was a bit wonky on one side
this is sweet too but one side of the egg was not as round as i would have liked it, so if you choose this one i will improve the egg.
mmmmmm chocolate!
and the sheep egg is a perfect shape but his thread colour is a bit too dark.
i am most happy with this egg shape which measures about 15cm in length and about 11cm across (plus 10cm of ribbon)
although he is cute i will use a lighter coloured thread.
each is backed with the same dotty fabric which just reminds me of coloured easter eggs.
so your job will be to pick which character you wish to have and i will make it for you and add it with the rest of the goodies.
i guess i should show you what you could win...
here is your loot should you win (minus the tin, that is for display purposes only)
a cute little toy to hang in a spot set aside for your easter display.
a sweet little chic all dressed up in frills and some shrink wrap easter egg magic. you put it around your eggs and then put into simmering water. the shrink wrap adheres to the shape of the egg! ( i havent tried it but it sounds fantastic)
an assortment of real chocolate eggs and decorations.
and of course your choice of a hand made easter egg made with love by me, you just have to choose which one... chicken, rabbit or sheep.
sorry about the photo quality but i just had to post this tonight so that you have a whole week to leave a comment and have the chance to win this fun little prize. i will choose one lucky winner on sunday the 1st of March!
this is open to everyone, even those who do not have a blog, just leave a comment and a way to contact you.
enjoy your week... i am off to post on my other blog, if you hadnt noticed i have had my first sale on etsy! i will tell you all about it there.
mmwwaaahh rosey

Thursday, February 19, 2009

my doosy of a valetnine swap parcel!

last month i signed up for my very first swap. the rules were a valentine theme with no more that 5 items. i was matched with Kimberly of seashells and silver and sent her parcel off which arrived right on valentines day! her gorgeous parcel arrived right on my birthday! which really brighten a gloomy day... read previous posts to get an idea of the gloom *_*
being my first swap i stuck relatively close to the 5 item rule and now i wish i hadn't!! look at all the beautiful presents i received...
this was the first thing i saw when i opened the box!
this is the tin that held all my treasures, it is the sweetest vintage style tin i have ever seen.
here are all the parcels, i had told Kimberly that my favourite colour was yellow so she incorporated it to make it more special.
look at this banner hand made by Kimberly, it is so beautiful and i have it hanging right here in the study so that i can look at it ALL the time.
not one but two sun catching hearts!! us bonsers love dingily dangly things and this will be happy along side all the other pretties hanging above our heads in our outdoor area.
yes that is edible ink, the girls were very happy with all of the surprises but this is their favourite. we haven't tried it yet as i haven't stopped looking at my box full of gorgeousness.
and last but not least a kit of thread, fabric, buttons, ribbon and crocheted hearts.... i can feel a bird coming on oh and an embellished heart.
and to tie it all together a hand written note filled with love. Kimberly you are one generous sweet pea, may your life be filled with love and happiness now and forever more.
here is the space i am creating in our study, to the far left (out of view) is my 'little brother' sewing machine that i am going to use to make something for my give away.
remember the change table that we shabbied up? here it is starting to fill up with useful bibs and bobs.
and my banner has pride and place making my space really stand out. i just love it all
thank you once again Kimberly for your generous gift and a big thank you to a thrifty mrs for organising it.
by posting about this i have just made my 100th post which means the next time i post will be with a giveaway. i am going for an Easter themed give away and have something in the pipe lines, i am working on my prototype and should have something to post soon. in the mean time i better go and stitch.
mmwwah rosey

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

wordless wednesday ~well, maybe just a few words~

thank you for your kind words, emails, phone calls and texts. claudia is back to her normal, drawing on walls self. her mother and father however have a few extra grey hairs *_*

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

37 candles and a mild concussion

happy birthday to me!!!
boy what a day... this tops lili breaking her leg on my 31st birthday. today began like any other birthday, the girls and mick settling in on the bed with presents and cards and handmade treasures. me oooohhhing and aarrring at every gift torn open by claudia and kissing each of my girls and my hunk of a hubby mick and thanking my lucky stars for the life i have.
my third charm, she is so sweet the bad lighting doesn't do her justice. here is my bracelet so far, another charm for mothers day?... and for those of you who don't know, i seem to have a thing for lanterns or pretty lights, and have adorned our hutch with them. so here are my newest set. i have to lightly spray the fabric with water to plump them up but you get the idea of how they look.
here is a shot with the night mode on. they are super sweet. i wish i could teleport you all here to show you my most beloved spot in my home.
anyhow back to my morning. after bustling around, we were ready to leave i was brushing my teeth while mick put lili, mia and all our bags in the small car ready for me to take them to before school care. like normal claudia was standing on the boot of the car where she waves to us each morning before she retreats into the house to get her gear ready for day care. i was sitting in the car and said to mick 'did you put everything in?' and he moved away from the big car to check. at that same moment claudia launched herself off and landed absolutely head first onto the embedded gravel concrete driveway!!!!
i actually saw it happen in the side mirror and almost dropped dead. panic mode, we all raced back in side with a bloody baby to apply ice and assess the situation. she cried immediately but then said 'I'm sleepy', she didn't fall asleep but her eyes kept shutting and she was very pale. mick rang my work and his work to say we wouldn't be in and we dropped two very teary sisters to school and headed to the hospital. it was peak hour so i decided to ring to see if we needed an ambulance. the nurse on the health line told us to keep doing what we were doing but if she vomited or fell asleep to ring 000. sure enough she vomited and we met the ambulance 5 minutes later. she had oxygen in the ambulance and i got a good look at her wound. it was a puncture wound about the size of an earring stud and DEEP. you could just imagine the gravel that made that wound! the paramedic explained that she had suffered a mild concussion and needed to be checked thoroughly.
anyhow after being admitted she had many examinations and observations and the decision was made to keep her in for short stay and only perform a scan if she got worse. the head doctor cleaned her wound but is worried about the position of the puncture as it is on the very bony part of the forehead where the skin is naturally taut. she put a steristrip on it, held in place by super glue! they had to shave a little bit of her hair too :( she was moved to short stay and made a slow recovery. we were discharged and made it home just in time to pick the girls up!!
there is so much to say but i think that is enough. holding her in the ambulance like a little baby again filled me with such emotion... god i love her and if anything ever happened to her i don't know how i would go on. it is the first time i have seen mick look so vulnerable too, he feels very guilty and had tears in his eyes every now and then. we have to wake her before we go to bed and again throughout the night to make sure she is OK and i am staying home with her tomorrow so that she doesn't get knocked around at day care.
we ended the whole ordeal with a piece of birthday cake...
our favourite ~raspberry swirl cake~ with very melted candles.
here is hammy, a lovely nurse put an extra bandage on top of the steristrip to stop the bleeding that was still leaking out. she then put a butterfly sticker over it to stop you from seeing the icky blood that was still leaking! she also put a band aid on claudias doll which also received oxygen. oh and the male doctor was blown away by her stunning eyes *_* and he was a little bit of eye candy #*_*#
so there you have it!!! a great way to spend my birthday not to mention spending the previous day at the doctor and pathologist as mia seems to have contracted a ring worm!!!! the joys of mother hood.
before i leave, here is a sneak peek of something special, i will post about it next. oh and this was my 98th post.... so very soon i will have a give away!!my valentines swap arrived today for my birthday!
if you have lasted this long
mmmwwaaahhh %*_*%rosey
p.s. the most freaky thing happened, the doll actually had a pulse!! the paramedic had it on to try and coax claudia and it actually started to beep a pulse aarrgggg must have been all that oxygen, he he he

Sunday, February 15, 2009

i am in business...sort of

hello pals, yes my etsy shop is officially open but i only have one item and only 2 photos to show as i havent worked out how to load them properly yet. the other problem is that i dont know how to make a link on my page even though the lovely linda has tried to help me. i will accept all suggestions, actually i am begging for your help!! i have been overwhelmed by the generous people in blog land and know that you wont let me down on this plea. in any case here is the link to my etsy shop ~ icantsewcreations on etsy thanks for your support and dont forget we are now only 2 posts away from my giveaway! %*_*% rosey

Saturday, February 14, 2009

my poor valentine

poor old mister is destined to be poor when it comes to valentines day... raising three girls plus his 'big girl' (little ol moi) is going to keep his wallet empty. last year he came home with a present for me and three balloons from the florist for claudia, mia and lili. (they are still proudly displayed on the hutch) this year i helped him out by buying el cheapo chockies and surfing the blogs for great ideas. babalisme had the most gorgeous valentine tags available for download and they were freakin perfect for the girls. three babushka dolls in varying sizes... one for lili, one for mia and one for baby girl.
the girls thought these were just the bees knees!
i tizzied the three chocolates up with a trick linda taught me... odd number of flowers to add some femininity and voila!!
the girls made us something each as well. remember the magnets they worked on yesterday... well they are now proudly displayed on the fridge holding up lilis lovely romantic picture.
lili chose this little bag from my stash and put this hello kitty sticker on for her daddy. sweet isnt it.
and now for my gift...
yes another charm, it is very sweet and in three days time i get another for my birthday!! cant wait to see what it will be.
the last photo is of fatty ham in all her glory... wonder what she will be when she grows up?
you are lucky she is wearing undies!!! we have the nudey show most of the time :)
hope your day was happy with or without a valentine.
%*_*% rosey
p.s. i got mick the 4th season of 'king of queens' an american sitcom that he just loves, not romantic but perfect for him. in fact my heart swells with love when i hear him laughing at the show.
oh and go visit my other blog, i cant sew creations to check out my disastrous bunny *_*