i am no artist and am scared to try things as i am afraid of how it will look but the blogging world is full of honest and encouraging people that and i know that you will give me the constructive criticism that i need to improve and move on.
i began undercoating these two items, the first is to hold all of our miniatures so that we can proudly display them and create a bit more space on our hutch. i will coat it in an off white.
here is the shadow box with masking tape ready for its first coat of paint.
a while ago the gorgeous gal from afiori told me to get out of my comfort zone and try something different. so i am going to paint this pony pink and try my hand a decoupage or something like that. any hints or suggestions will be appreciated.
now i have squeezed this post in while she sleeps... so i am off to do something crafty before she wakes again. smooches %^_^%
dont forget to enter my giveaway if you havent already done so
I hear ya!
I do all my crafty projects whilst they are sleeping!
I find after a month or so I just need sleep too though from burning the midnight oil!
I try through the day but beteween kinder and school drop offs and pick ups and cooking cleaning and all...Forgeddaboutit!
I think your arty side is really blooming!
Rosey I remember well crafting during kids afternoon naptime. How thrilled was I that I had such good nappers - 3 hours minimum. Then one day they grew up and went to school and what do you know, I have all day to craft. Of course I did have my business long before kids but life just got so much easier once they went to school for 6 hours a day. Your time will come too. Meanwhile, I think you are doing very well with your creative journey.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Hi Rosey, I'm lucky to have both at scholl now. I do like the colours in the peacock!
P.S. One is my website (our shabby cottage)and the other is my Etsy shop (My Shabby Cottage)!
Hi Rosey, I think your peacock is very good. You maybe need to use a softer pencil for the outline if you don't want it to show through. I'm not a trained artist, but I like to paint and draw. I used to use watercolour crayons a lot and you can do loads with them. You can apply different colours and then blend them together after. Depending on the effect you want you don't need to apply lots of water, I sometimes use the brush like a blending instrument, just damp and easing the colours into each other.
Sorry if I'm rambling.
I love the colours in your peacock very striking.
Look forward to seeing your finished painted bits, I think pink is great and would look very pretty.
Take care.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Hi Rosey
I think the peacock is lovely and such great colours, well done you!
Can't wait to see the pony when done.
I wish I could craft more but Jack doesn't do much napping and takes a while to settle down on an evening by which time i'm always shattered lol!
Take care
Big hugs
Beki xxx
Hey Rosey! Well, I wasn't exactly 'screaming' ... just shook my head a little!! :0) I bet if you had a time machine and went back to see Da Vinci's first attempts at painting, or Van Gogh, or Matisse, or Picasso (OK, maybe that example's not a good one!) they wouldn't have been 'perfect' either. Art, like anything else, takes time to develope, so have fun playing with colours and styles - throw away the rules and PLAY!!! :0) Love the peacock's colours - greens and blues will always catch my eye!! Look forward to seeing what you create next !Bear Hugs! KRIS
I hear you as well.Im way to busy thats why I quit doing sketching and drawing.Besides for me what id like to do and what I can are two different things.Its much to costly for me right now.I love the peacock especially the color of blue you picked its lovely.Nice to see all of your creativity, thanks for sharing!
As an amateur artist I can say that your peacock is lovely. don't worry about the pencil lines, people's perception of what is good and acceptable varies greatly. an example: We did a session in art class where we had to put pencil to paper and not move our hands off the page but also not move our eyes off the subject. The result was some way-out weird thing that was all over the place and bearly recognisable as a plant and a vase. We did several of them with different time limits (3 mins, 1 min, 30 sec etc) My teacher pointed to one that was all over the place and probably the most unrecognisable of the lot and said to me, I'd pay money for that drawing. To me it was a scribble to him it was art worth paying for.
I think your peacock, exactly the way it is right now, would be gorgeous on a dinner set and I WOULD PAY MONEY TO BUY IT. A one off. Lovely.
Think about it and I say, make me a dinner set Buddy, keep it at Dad's, name your price and I look forward to using it when I come home.
love ya.
Anita x
Hello my lovely....oh pretty peacock...I love watercolour colours they blend so well and perfect for a peacock. Weird I also have another painting of a peacock on the go, they are one of the best things to paint and draw, all the colour and all the line. Don't worry about your pencil marks too much, they tell you you drew it. If you don't want them to show, draw your picture in brown watercolour before you colour the rest in.
I can help you collage.....funny doing that too....I will save that for later.....Happy Friday, speak to you soon, kiss noises Linda
Rosie, I love your peacock! is it destine to be a softie or framed? I think it looks great. Art is in the doing not always the end result. But in this case it is both!!! Enjoy your quilting moments and the little ones. I only have one and she is 14, lovely girl and growing up way to fast and becoming miss independent. As she should. but I do miss our teaparties!!! (I changed my blog name...I use to be debbesunshine...I just love my boots to much so ...pink mucky boots it is!)
I always use water colour pencil to design my Cross Stitch charts. there is something soothing about 'colouring in'. Who cares about pencil lines. perfection is an impossible standard. Enjoy yourself.
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