when papa rang to say it was too rainy to go to the shops i was secretly happy cause it meant i could tell the girls to take off their uniforms and get comfy. you can imagine the arm twisting!!! in the blink of an eye this is how the girls looked...
i feel so happy but at the same time guilty, i guess being a teacher i know how important every day at school is but then again isnt it good for the soul to be at home happy. and they really havent missed much, so far the children have role played, played with play dough, counted in patterns, painted magnets....
i worry too much! anyhow on a different note this is my 95th post so i can feel a give away coming on... i will put together something special ready for my 100th post.
i am also working on setting up my etsy shop over here. you should visit my other blog to check out my newest creation.
ok off to enjoy a home made iced coffee, yes complete with ice cream and whipped cream from a can!!mmmmm
mmwwwaaahhh rosey
The rain is unreal....I wanted to keep the kids home today but the ledest was desperate to go as she had the job of collecting the money for the bushfire relief and she simply had to go..so proud of her....so as she was going the other two had to go as well. Darling husband is at home today which is lucky as we have had to rescue some guinea pigs from their water park. We did go and pick up the children early though...I just had to go and get them....i am sure I will find out the reason why later.
I have 'studio' re-arranging to do seeing as DH is home I must take advantage of his shifting and hammering skills!
Rainy kiss noises Linda
Ahh Rosey - if only you could redirect some of that rain to Victoria. We so desperately need it.
Hope you enjoyed your 'at home' day with the girls.
HI Rosey, I'm sure it doesn't hurt for them to stay home for a day, you've done so much in that day anyway. It's awful to see what has been happening in Victoria with the fires and our throughts are with those people.
Make the most of the rain!
I'm off to look at what you've made on your other blog.
Enjoy your day.
Take care.
Coffe sounds yummy, can I join you please?
I'm sure the girls are having plenty of fun at home, one day isn't going to hurt.
Going to pop over to your other blog now.
Have a good weekend
Big ((hugs))
Beki xxx
Time with your girls...Sounds good
Iced Coffee...Sounds good
Rain....Yep very good.
Kids getting crafty...All sounds good.
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