yesterday we celebrated little Henry's 2nd birthday (Mick's brothers boy). he is the cutest little boy around with as much energy as a busy buzzing bee!! we started the afternoon at a local indoor play centre and then headed back to paddy and jordys place for cake and other tasty treats.
claudia standing under the mascot, a chipmunk. if you ever visit one of these types of centres.... take ear muffs, very, very noisy
paddy made the cake, he has made a bananas in pyjamas cake and pooh as well for our girls. great isn't it!!
jordy did a great job at her first ever party! the take home bags weighed at least 2kg each *_*it was lovely to catch up with micks relatives mohans, madonna and mim who we havent seen for at least 4 years! paddy and jordy have enough toys to rival our house now and the kids just have so much fun, very relaxing age as they basically leave you alone :)

here we all are, jordy holding the birthday boy with paddy behind her madonna and mohans on one side of me and miriam on the other. i think you know the rest :)
on our way home we made a deal that we would go out to the markets for breakfast and let lili spend some of her birthday money. she was given just under $100 from mama and her two grandpas. she is very wise with her money and spent just a fraction on some 'treasures'.
there are few more shabby chic style shops popping up out at the markets much to our delight. but of course we save the best till last, LILLY COTTAGE.
this little angel looks like she was modelled on lili!
and i cant go home without buying the girls a bird each.
one day i will have to post about our collection of birds, it really is something to see up on our hutch.
and here are the treasures i collected all for the pricely sum of...$3.50. another mans trash... i am sure anita is wondering what is happening to me. i must be regressing to my teenage years when i used to have little collections of odd things everywhere.
look at this kitschy little bug, oh so adorabubble.
this little tin makes no sense but i love it all the same.
and i couldnt pass by this rubber monkey face, small but so life like.dont for get to click on the pictures to enlarge them. have a great weekend and stay safe. our deepest sympathy goes out to those battling bush fires or floods in various parts of our great country.
%*_*% rosey
Hello Rosey! That little angel/fairy tag does look familiar. Sounds like you had a lovely day....I am a bit sad about the other shops popping up around us with all the stuff we love....I am going to be spending way too much money!
Little birdies are very cute!! I just feel ill at the thought of all the bushfires and the towns that have been completely destroyed...I have to do something!!
Kiss Noises Linda
Aahhhhh...who doesn't love a kids party? All that yummy cake and fairy bread...mmmm. Of course lolly bags are always a great way to finish the day - hope the girls were happy to share their stash. Looks like you all had fun.
Lolly bags...I love the whole idea of lolly bags so extra exciting!
Looks like a good weekend was had by all.
Oh, aren't silly treasures the best?!
Such a sweet little bug, just chillin'...
What are those birds made from??
P.S. the enormous forest fires in Australia are all over the news today :( :( Is your area unaffected? Hope so...
I couldn't have left that little bug behind either .Looks like fun was had by all .
clares craftroom
Sounds like a lovely day.Family outings are the best when kids are little.I love the pics of birds so cute.
Hi there, just found your blog. You have to be the only person I've comes across who thinks they are lucky to work in teaching. My daughters school can't cover all the classes properly for lack of staff! Love the angel tag.
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