miranda was the first person i met when i started year 10 at an all girls school in toowoomba in 1987... yes you read that correctly over 20 years ago!!
we have been through so much together but not once have we had a fight, not even so much as a frown! she is a dear, dear friend and godmother to claudia. while she was here we set up a blog for her but she has not added a post yet. she has called it JustM and i am sure that you gorgeous blog pals will make her feel welcome.
on other important news middle child mia is off to prep in two weeks. while i was ironing on name tags to her uniforms she just had to try it on. here she is striking a pose as a preppie. she is so cute and will do well this year. it is funny how i was a complete mess when lili started two years ago but with mia it is no big deal. i will miss her on my days off but i am also looking forward to having alone time with my little claudia (or gloria as my dad likes to call her).
you know how we have been reading the fairy journal that the girls got from narelle and family for christmas, well last night we read an entry in the journal that tells you how to see them, what time etc... what they wear usually matches the tree or shrub they hide in etc... when narelle came to pick chels up we were at our lovely flowering shrubs out the front and narelle said to lili 'these look like fairy crowns, you should paint them gold and leave them out for the fairies'. lili totally understood what she meant cause we had just been reading about it. we all said what a great idea... we waved bye to my sister and fam and came back inside. when i looked at lili a cheeky fairy had put a 'crown' on her head!!! we were all freaking out!!!! it really blew lili away and has made us even more determined to see one.*_*
i believe in fairies do you?
mmmwwaaahh rosey
Hey Rosey! How wonderful to have Miranda as such a long-time friend! My best friend and I have been best buds since we were nine - we both went to the library at lunch time to get away from a 'cat fight', she taught me how to play draughts and we've been buds ever since - 30 years this year - EEK! Where did the time go!! Must be getting old! tee! Hee! Hee! Loved the Faerie crown, too - of COURSE there are faeries - who else hides one sock from each pair and steals the TV remotes!! :0) Bear hugs! KRIS
Hmmm 47 minutes after posting, i must be losing my touch!! Oh I so do believe in fairies and things that are fated, you simply must check out this blog I found today, but first...what a wonderful way to spend the day, with a lovely BFF friend, one who you have convinced to start a blog....there is no stopping you you are on fire!!!
Now this blog.... I cried...well I have a thing for elephants...always have....go visit and tell me what you think.
cut and paste this little address... http://zuzu.typepad.com/a_view_through_the_window/
Speak to you later, kiss noises Linda Lilly Cottage
Nice blog Rosey.Love your little girls school uniform she looks cute.Im so sorry about the mistake I made.I didnt realize it was your sister.So sorry to hear that.God Bless!
Mia looks adorable in her uniform!
I believe in fairies, too. Lili is so lucky to have been visited. :D
How great it is wehen you get great friends,I too have been lucky that way and am so greatful.
I love your little one in uniform...What a colorful uniform!
Hope she has a great start,My eldest is off to School this year too,A whole new chapter is beginning....sob,sob
Wow, the Divine Miss M and Miss Pussicatti have nearly exactly the same smile!!! Ever noticed that? xx
Doesn't Ms M look so cute in her uniform. I just love reading about your family and friends. Its always nice to spend time with the ones that we love :)I have had a childhood friend since high school. We moved around too much before then. But she and I have been together 36 years :) Unlike you we have had words, and hurt feelings.. I think that happens when you room-mate together a number of years. :) But we weathered the storms and are still close as sisters :)
You asked a question on my blog about the aprons... Yes I do wear them. I also love sewing them :) I guess you can say I love to see other peoples creations, and ideas.
LOL I have to tell you there are a lot of us women out there that are addicted to aprons ;)
Mia looks so cute and very proud in her school uniform. A sure sign she is a big girl now.
Well, of course there are fairies....I can see them everywhere. What would life be without a bit of magic?
*raises hand* I believe!!! I added the fairy books to my Amazon wish list when I saw them on your blog. Might just get one of them.
What adorable children (guess they have good genes...)
So sorry to hear about your loss too :(
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