he should go away more often! i found this fabric at Big W of all places and fell in love with it straight away. my dream is to sell this sort of stuff at the markets but i really don't think anyone would have the need to buy them. i would also like to start an etsy shop this year but don't have a clue of where to start.
the other bonus of finishing these two pretties is that i have completed my 'one project a month challenge' (check out my side bar for more information)
while daddy was away and baby was sleeping the girls got creative. lots of melty bead work...
but the best surprise was their rock painting!! i was happily playing on my blog oblivious to the wonderful art that the girls were creating. lili kept blowing my mind with her creations. i have no idea where the inspiration came for her subjects. check them out and tell me what you think.
what do you think? cool or what! there are many artists in my family... micks mother was very artistic as well as my sister anita and nieces renata and emma and i have a cousin who actually sells paintings for money!!!! like thousands!!! his work is gob smacking.
that's it i am off to tell kris over at tag along teddies about my finished projects.
Wow, all of you are so creative!
Lili, how I wish I could visit your mommy someday if only so I can paint rocks with you! :D I paint on rocks a lot, you should get your mom to show you my rocks on Flickr to give you some more ideas! ;)
Great job with the melty beads, girls! And excellent work with the new bird and heart, Rosey. Keep on creating! :D xoxo
Oh those things you all created are
Alot of art work that gets sold at markets is of no "use" but people buy because they just want it!
Etsy is easy and straight forward though it is US based so Oz dollars have to be converted.
cheap and easy to sell from though,i have had an etsy shop? for awhile i set up but have'nt filled it.
I love the heart Rosey!The girls do very well,wow.I like the idea of the melted bead work really nice.Have a great week ahead!
Isn't it great to see the kids having creative fun and not sitting glues to a TV set.
Hey Rosey! Who said art and creativity had to serve any use except delighting the eye!! And you're right - that is some cute fabric there!! With your fill, try putting little bits at a time in and pushing them down with a chopstick -works for bear and doll stuffing! I just use normal toy fill mostly, cos that's what people buying my patterns will be using. And your girls are obviously artists in the making - look out! How great to see - as Kerryanne said - kids who don't just sit and veg in front of a screen!! Finish noted! Bear Hugs! KRIS
Lovely painted rocks!!! I think my favourite is the one with all the trees! You should absolutely open an Etsy shop - I thought you already had one but searched your profile etc to no avail.
P.S. Maxine ate a lot of cake.
She was suddenly too heavy to fly.
Then the neighbour's cat snuck in.
The allergic, peaceful vegetarian human had to intervene. Everyone's okay now but the cat is disappointed.
Hi Rosey,
I love the fabric too, well done I wish I had the patience to hand sew, you have done a great job. I love the rock paintings too, you sure are a talented family.
Cheers Linda
I just love your little birds.. I made some almost like that for Christmas out of felt... but I must say yours are sew much more cute!!!!!
Hi Rosey.. great blog and love seeing the new creations !! I really don't know how you get the time !
I tried to start my own blog yesterday but I have no idea what I am doing or how to do it.. I need your help.. so when in Brissy next I might get you to help me set it up..
Love you zillions .. mmwahh
Mirr x
You've been very busy, love your little bird, so cute. Aren't your little ones creative, love the pebbles too.
Take care.
Darling creations, love the fabric. The etsy thing is really easy. You sort of just have to jump in. Looooove the rocks! You should put a clear coat of varnish on top. Delta makes a good one. It makes the colors even brighter and give it a nice shine. Keep on creating!
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