my new years eve day was spent driving to the doctor, then to the x-ray unit, then back to the doctor to confirm that lili has broken her humerus bone very close to the top of her shoulder! the good news is that they cant put a cast on it (Can you imagine a cast in this heat) so she has to wear a sling for the next two weeks and hopefully it will heal nicely. how did she break it i hear you ask? falling off her new bike on her 5th ever ride. bloody hills, who invented them? i guess she hasnt got the hang of brakes yet *^_^* i had a good night seeing the new year in with mick even if we were in bed when it happened.
before i move in to the new year i have to finish off last year. (remember this blog is for the girls after all). i want to post about some of the things they got for christmas.
in our house it seems to be the trend that they get something from santa, something from mummy and daddy, something from the siblings and something in the stocking. then of course they get lots from the rest of the family on both sides. this year seems to be lots of things that they are playing with rather than the initial play then walk away.
each of the girls got a bike from santa
we got them a karaoke machine to share
little miss lil singing away, yes thats the sling! this machine plays normal cds as well as ones with words and it has a camera which goes through the tv so they can watch themselves singing. really cool.
and a drum kit for claudia to play along while the other two sing and dance.
here are some books that they recieved, some in their stockings, some from nata and some from the davis family.
they also got these great lights from the conway family, they have found a place on the hutch so that we can see them day and night! one day our house will be filled with lanterns of all types!!!
and these are the little puddings that linda popped in the bag along with the snowflakes for my girls.
they also got money from the grandfathers which they are slowly spending and a pass to a local play centre from micks brother paddy and his wife and son. i am sure theres more but my brain is frazzled so that will do.
the last few photos are of two special bears that we gave to the girls for doing so well in year one (lili) and finishing pre-prep (mia) i bought the bears from lilly cottage and they are more like an heirloom than a teddy bear. lili puts hers back in the bag it came in to keep it precious. the bears really match each of the girls personality.
boy that was a long post. i promise to keep them shorter from now on. thanks for leaving comments it means so much to me, thanks for reading even if you dont leave a comment it means so much to me as well. i will have another give away soon. i have finished another bird but i cant post about her til she reaches her destination on the other side of the world shhh its a secret. but she is oh so sweet!!
happy new year, hope you make resolutions you can keep (if youre into that sort of thing)
%*_*% rosey
Yes I guess you can be thankful she does'nt have a cast! Poor little gal!
The fairy book is just oh so pretty!
Hi Rosey,
I just found your blog via Lilly Cottage, and was very happy to see that you are local, sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas sorry to her about your daughters broken humerus but yes in this heat it is very lucky no cast.
I hope you are having a great New Years Day, I will stop in again soon.
Cheers Linda
Oh no....a new bike and already a 'boo boo'. Thankfully no plaster cast so I hope she copes okay with the sling.... although by the looks of it, she is singing her heart out so no dramas!!
Hope you are okay Rosey.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year Rosey....oh my poor little Lili, I hope it doesn't hurt too much and maybe you shouldn't have been doing time trials down a hill just yet!! Courtney had a huge buster on her bike and went over the beachfront wall onto the rocks when she had been riding for quite a while, so at least Lili has got it over with now.. We also got a singstar game for our second hand playstation 2 and the girls were belting our 80's classics that they have never heard before. Lots of fun!! Love your post the girls will love that and boy Claudia looks just like you in that photo!!
Kiss Noises Linda Lilly Cottage
Oh and I meant to say those fairy books are just gorgeous, they might need to come and visit me one day for a look special, kiss noises again Linda, might sign off on my home blog this time.
oh poor Lilly I hope it heals itself soon !!!
Happy New Year to you and yours - those extra presents look fab I love the pop up books!
Lesley x
Apologies - I meant Lili not Lilly (got distracted by reading the comment above mine from Lilly Cottage!)
Oh poor lili! *hugs super carefully*
Looks like she bounces back well, though! I thought she was wearing fairy wings in the pic... (the fan)
Those books look amazing!! I'm going to check amazon.
Hey Rosey! Oh - poor Lili! I'm not fond of hills either, so where do I live?? At the top of the range in Toowoomba where there is nothing BUT hills!! DOH!! Love those Lilly Cottage bears!! I was lucky enough to have one of them come and live with me for my birthday - her name is peal and she's dressed in the aged vintage lace, too - with a pearl necklace, of course!! Oh, and we saw in the New Year the same as you - trying to keep cool to sleep!! Party animals, that's what we are! Tee! Hee! Hee! Bear Hugs! KRIS
Hi again Rosey,
We are actually not in Brisbane I just put that because people from overseas would not know where Morayfield is.
Cheers Linda
Lovely blog Rosey.Poor daughter I cant believe it.I hope she has a fast recovery.Pity her in the hot weather,probably will bother her more at night.Love all the pics of the girls.Cant believe mine were small like that at one time LOL.Especially love the one of Mia drumming,LOL.You should really enlarge it and put that one on the wall.HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the family Rosey.
By the way love the banner with the dolls really cute!
Rosey and family, Happy New Year! Bonne Année! Feliz 2009!
Oh poor Lili, at least you won't have to wear that sling for very long. Good thing you are little and will heal quickly! You get back on that bike as soon as you can and let it know who's boss! :D
Wow, so many lovely things. The pop up books are amazing and those bears!! Thanks for letting me know about the charm and happy new year :)
YAAY! Maxine has arrived!!!
Thank you SOOO much for her and all the little things - I'm excited and will probably use some of them today! There will be pictures but not now because I'm quite under the weather with a cold :-/
This really cheered me up though :D
Hi Rosey! Thanks for stopping by! Your 100th post is just around the corner too! Happy New Year! Lisa :)
love love love your blog,Rosey them bears are the best and darn now i knopw i just MUST have fairytopia and not a child in sight to blame it on.Ypur poor daughterreally rang in the new year i thought it was just the bobbons that are supposed to snap.
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