i have known her daddy for almost 20 years so it is like a brother having his first child. my heart swells with pride and i just know the perfect life this baby has ahead of her. daddy is also a great photographer so even though she lives in toowoomba we will literally watch her grow via cyber space.
i wish for all three of them the best life possible. big smooches mmmmwwwaaahhh rosey
Congratulations to the new mum and dad and you too !!
I love Babies ,she is a real cutie !!
I hope she gets better soon .Love from sesga in Wales UK
Oh how sweet.Congrats to her mother and dad.Saying prayers she will be better soon.Reminds me,Im a volunteer this month for March of dimes,so worth it even in the snow.Thanks for sharing Rosey!
awww what a tiny tiny tiny little person!!! Hope she will be perfectly healthy super soon.
Toowoomba? There is such a place? For real? It must be magical and full of pixies.
Ohhh my just look at that sweet lil gal.
Hope her rocky start leads to a smooth sailing future.
Rosey you are a truly wonderful person, Baby Adelaide I am excited to say for fellow bloggers ! - is my baby daughter and we are both very proud to have her with us. Both my wife and I are very excited to get her home for some cuddles soon. Thanks for visiting Rose - Love you :) Dazz
thanks guys all your prayers will help this new family be together sooner. %*_*%
Oh, she is just perfect! Perfect little fingers, perfect little everything. Babies are a wonderful blessing, truly everything that is good and just in the world. Congratulations, mommy and daddy! It won't be long now before your baby girl is in your arms and keeping you up at all hours of the night. :D
It is amazing how much these little bubs can go through. Hopefully the worst is behind her and she will be home with her family soon.
Hi Rosey... aren't Sarena and Darren amazing !! It must be so hard not to be able to have a cuddle.. but Adelaide will be inundated with cuddles soon enough.. I am very happy for them too !! She is a little Angel..
Love Mir x
Awww so beautiful now you've made me all clucky .
Clare's Craftroom
What a precious little gift.
And what awesome photos.
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