my curly haired companion started prep today and instead of kicking up my heels like i thought i would...i miss the rotten sod!!! it is not as brutal and traumatic after having been through it already with lili, but i did shed a tear as i walked away without her. she was fine as she had the same teacher as lili did and in the same room, so she was familiar plus she had two friends in her class as well.
so now i am left with my little claudia as my shadow.
claudia and i took papa out to the shops where he treated us to coffee, baby chinos and a muffin (he does it every time!) and at every turn i thought of mia. there is a house we pass that has lots of junk piled everywhere, the occupant is a real hoarder, i could hear mia saying 'seepage house' as we drove by. then as we pulled into the under cover parking lot i was waiting for her to say her usual chant ' hail mary full of grace please find us a parking space' (works every time) then as we pull into the park she has to thank her otherwise it might jinx us for next time. 'hail mary full of grace thank you for our parking space'
and i missed her happy smile and cheeky laugh with claudia. i guess i will get used to it but for now i just plain miss her.
on the flip side i am enjoying this moment, where the baby is asleep and mia isnt bothering me!!
ok off to post on my other blog, if hammy stays asleep that is.
%*_*% rosey
You are so gorgeous!!! What a good Mummy you are! Soon they will be both home again and you will be craving a little of that quiet, until then enjoy!! i am so far behind on everything......aaarghh OK do the next thing....Kiss Noises Linda ( and I so love that chant for the parking lot, might have to use that one myself)
hahaha I did it again, itappears I read this just seconds after you posted it....not stalking promise!! Kiss Noises Linda
Aww, *virtual hugs to aunty rosie*. When I'm a mum I'll be just as teary as you, if not more. Mia is so sweet in her uniform, I can't believe all your babies are growing up!
Ahhhh yes,My lil guy starts on Monday and I will miss him but he is so happily confident so I am happy for him.
My Mum used to call us all 'her Favs" Just when each was with her....That was the "fav" lol!!!
Kids you gotta love them.
No not a sook, a mum !
clares craftroom
I can remember when Jess started school. A few of us dropped the kids off and were going for a coffee. I was the only one who cried, I mean really cried, sobbed all the way to the coffee shop.
I'm now filling up at the thought of having to do it with Jack one day.
Take care
Beki xxx
I can't believe how much your girls look like you xxx
Dearest Rosey.. you are such a loving Mother.. I hope I get to experience this love one day too.. if not I am honoured to be able to share in what you experience every day with your beautiful children.. by reading your lovely heartfelt blog..
I truly love hearing about your family life and children and Mr Moo :)
Love always... Mirr xx
Oh the pic is so sweet.I love the uniforms.My daughters went to catholic School as well.Their dad was catholic.Iam greek orthodox but almost the same thing.By the way the cross is gorgeous.It would be beautiful for easter.
Ohh Rosey, they grow up way too fast don't they!
I am so in love with the girls' uniforms, they're just so beautiful. And the girls are adorable in them! Makes me wish B could wear a uniform lol.
I had to laugh, Mia is so funny. She really says that when you guys are parking? Ha, too cute. I'll have to remember that one. :D
It would not be you Rose if you did not care !
I am googling "baby chino" but am too tired to understand much right now, forgot to go to bed again. Some sort of small coffee with stuff in it?
That has to be the happiest looking cross I've ever seen.
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Hey Rosey! No, you're not really a sook - just a loving Mummy finding the balance between letting the baby chicks leave the nest and tucking them under your wing! And how lovely it will be for them in the future to look back and read these posts and realise (as I'm sure they already do!) just how loved they are!! Enjoy the quiet, then enjoy the excitement they share when they get home!! Bear Hugs! KRIS
Thank you for your lovely comment!
((Big hugs))
Beki xxx
You should read over my archives - My third child started school in Sept and boy was it difficult and hard to get used to. May be you can brace yourself for the third one leaving - I cant bear it!!!
Your children look lovely. Thanks for popping by my blog. I am going to sit down over the next few days - heavy snow expected - and read some new blogs and yours will be one of them!
Love Emma xxxxx
Congratulations on the good class! A friend of mine is in her second year teaching and has students she adores this semester as opposed to wild children last semester. It makes for a much better school term for teacher and students when the students are good.
What great useful gifts and crafty children! :)
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