Linda and her three children welcomed us into their wonderland with open arms. it didn't take long for the children to strike up a friendship and we soon found ourselves outside hugging these gorgeous critters
my scatter brain cant remember their names. they have 8 guinea pigs in total.
they are extremely healthy looking specimens and i have a feeling that we will be getting some of our own for Easter!!
i must admit they are cute!! here is nic with my girls. this would have to be one of the most polite and well mannered boys i have ever met. a real delight!!
Marissa is 'the chicken whisperer' she is able to calm her hens down by talking to them. i am witness to her abilities.
the lovely Linda with her eldest child Courtney. i would say school captain in the making!! it is no wonder Linda has such lovely children, she is so down to earth and welcoming herself.
here is lili feeding the half dozen chickens. two eggs were laid in the 4 hours that we spent there.... yes 4 hours!!! time really went fast.

cute but not so good at laying.

this place has everything, pool, fort and wonderful big sister.

Courtney and Mia on the scooter track. oh yes that is a trampoline in the corner of the picture too.
and heaven wouldn't be complete without a work room so fully laden with crafty treasure that i almost fell over with excitement. every square inch of what used to be the living room is covered with some sort of fabric, ribbon, art work in the making... you get what i mean. but it isn't in a mess everything has its place. really wonderful. but the best part is that Linda helped me complete my Christmas stitching and she turned it into a wall hanging for me.
for a better look go over to my other blog
thanks once again to the simpsons for having us over. it wasn't our intention to stay for over 4 hours but time really did go by so quickly. oh and by the way, you make great coconut bread!!
will be back for a weekend whinge.
mmwwaah rosey
Oh my goodness Rosey, you make it sound so wonderful to be at my house!! It was an absolute pleasure to have you and your gorgeous girls come to play.....good plan to have my children to play with your children, it gave us more stitching and chatting time. Sorry I didn't get you any lunch...maybe next time, lol! This week has flown by and I am sorry that you had to go back to work...bleah bleah....well there is always Paris...I mean the weekend and every second Wednesday. Kiss Noises Linda
Oh I meant to say...cute Guinea Pig pictures....I think it might be Miffy and Teddy ( lets go with those names anyway!!)
KN again Linda
Sounds like you had a great time, I love other people's sewing rooms they're like aladdins caves.
Enjoy your weekend.
Awww, piggers and chickens! True love. I adore guinea pigs, they are so cute with their huffing and snorting and trilling!
Linda's house sounds like a perfect place to relax and have fun!
Hello Rosey.. looks like Linda's place is a real delight and a treat for the kiddies !
Love you zillions..
Mir xx
Hello Rosey.. looks like Linda's place is a real delight and a treat for the kiddies !
Love you zillions..
Mir xx
Poor Rosey...back at work. We are already missing your presence.
Glad you had a fun playdate with Lily Linda. Her household looks wonderful. Who needs to pay for an adventure park when you can just drop in at the Simpson's...giggle. About the only thing missing is the ice cream hut - hhmmm...I'll have a word with Linda and see if we can get that orgnaised before your next visit..LOL.
Hi Rosey, thanks for your kind comment very sweet of you.
Enjoy your weekend.
Hi Rosey,
Looks like you had such a fun day, I love the Christmas wallhanging.
Cheers Linda
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