we went school shoe shopping today... $130 later, two pairs of shoes and the sinking feeling that i once again paid too much to ensure that their feet dont end up with bunions like mine. then i came home to this...
one thing i did achieve today was to complete a wisp (Work In Slow Progress)
i managed to cut and pin some designs ready for stitching and guess what.... ta da
most excitingly we are off to see the lovely linda on tuesday for some morning tea and i will be able to pick her brain about etsy and other crafting stuff. cant wait just to chat with her actually. dont forget to visit her blog ~lilly cottage~ as she is having a giveaway and wants as many visitors as possible. you never know it might be you who wins her gorgeous valentines give away!!
well i am off to email my new teaching partner the lovely michelle and then cover some books... oh joy!
mmwwaahh %*_*%
Like your little heart, very pretty. It seems so weird to think you're just going back to school after the summer hols, when ours have been back since September, new school shoes, books etc seems ages ago.
I took a look at your other blog, like your little birds very much, think I've said before.
Take care.
Your children are so utterly adorable. I think I may have said that before.
When you teach primary school, do you teach all subjects? Or do they have a math teacher, an English teacher and so on? Do the children wear school uniforms?
Hi Rosey
Your creations are fantastic, love the heart and your birds on you other blog.
Do you mind if I place your link on my blog, I am sure some of my crafty friedns would love to see your creations?
THe birthday party looked wonderful.
Have a good week!
hahah she looks cute.Wowo 2012 UGH! dont want to think about it,LOL. I posted a comment on your other blog about the heart.Have a great week Rosey!HUGS!
Awww Claudia, you precious angel! Kiss kiss kisses for you! xo
The younger ones always grow up too too quick!
I feel my time just slipping away with my three....
I have my Eldest starting School and did all the labelling of school things yesterday and My Middle Miss is off to Activity group two mornings a week for just 2 hours but I will only have one kid at home twicw a week....Arrgghhhh.
Change ....I am so not good at it!
found your blog through Lexies Blog!
Love the little softies and things you make!
Great blog.
Your heart is very cute Rosey and I like the litte butttons on it too.
What year level are you teaching this year? Is it at the same school your daughter will be going to?
I'm envious of you having the oportunity to catch up with Lily Linda tomorrow. Enjoy your cuppa.
No No No....you can't go back to the reall wrold, we need you to play with us!! What...you ARE coming to play with us????? Oh yes now I remember, that is why the house is looking a little tidier...not clean byt tidier, you can get through the door!!
Great creations my lovely....see you in the morning, kiss noises Linda
I love your birds . Good luck going back to work .
Clares Craftroom
I need a cuddle from Claudia. She is so adorable (I know there's a monster hiding under that cute smile, but i think she's bewitched me or something), and little, and I think kids give the best cuddles. Actually, I want a bonser girls hug. All three of them. Or four :)
Hi Rosey
Thanks I have placed your blog link on mine now. and I see that Lynnie already stopped by.
I just put up some photos from my trip out to stanthorpe last week if you want to check them out.
There may now be a space in the Valentine swap organised on my blog. If you'd like to take up a place drop me an email at athriftymrs@hotmail.com
Thanks :)
Hey Rosey! That Lilly Linda must be getting around at the moment, as she's coming up to Toowoomba to play on the weekend and we're planning all sorts of mischeif - the husbands are afraid ... VERY afraid! Tee! Hee! Hee! Your little button heart looks great, too!! Bear Hugs! KRIS
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